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From Malcolm Wilcox
Chairman of Feoffees and Governors

In this, the 357th anniversary year of the foundation of Old Swinford Hospital, we come together to congratulate and applaud the remarkable achievements of our students for their performance throughout the year at Prizegiving. 

In doing so, we focus on the essential qualities which Thomas Foley bestowed on this school: opportunity, excellence and inspiration.

  • Opportunity to attend this great school.
  • The excellence of our students in achieving the results worthy of these magnificent prizes which we see before us.
  • And, words of inspiration from Suzanne Webb who is no stranger to OSH, and is again honouring us with a visit to speak and present the school’s annual prizes.

Our school is made up of many elements all working together to deliver one successful outcome: the preparation of our fine young students for the onward progression to higher education and the challenges of life beyond.  As always, it has been the case throughout our history that we have moved with the times to ensure our students achieve and maximise their individual potential.  This year has been no exception and has been another year of significant challenge and achievement which has been admirably met by our students and staff.

It is because of this success that the Feoffees and Governors have whole heartedly supported the Headmaster in his vision for the future of this school, extending what Thomas Foley started all those centuries ago.  There have been many bold and brave decisions by the Feoffees and governing body during this challenging climate for education but these are very rewarding roles, as well as being quite demanding in both time and responsibility.

Here at OSH we have been blessed over many years with having a strong, active and vibrant governing body, and this year has been no exception.  With the addition of Old Foleyan, Ian King and Parent Governor, Steve Priestnall we have two exceptional contributors to the development and future of our school.

Whilst we welcome new governors, we have to say goodbye to retiring ones and here we must thank Hayley Pinchbeck for her unstinting contribution to OSH.  A parent governor for eight years as her two boys journeyed through the School, Hayley has contributed to our marketing, behaviour and latterly the integration of girls with a professionalism and intrinsic perspective from which all our students are benefitting.  That’s not to mention her passion and involvement with the rugby achievements of the School as a regular supporter from the side-lines.  It has been enormously gratifying to see her at work with a desire to assist the School, giving her time freely and generously.

As indeed so do all our other governors and we thank all of them for their loyal and dedicated service.  This means we have a parent governor vacancy and we will be holding an election in September.  I do urge you to consider whether you feel able to become involved with the School in the capacity as a parent governor.  Application forms will be made available via the Clerk, Beverley Hirons.

To serve your country, not to mention your constituents, some would say there should be no nobler cause.  Thomas Foley, our founder thought so and became a Member of Parliament for Bewdley in 1679 and Droitwich in 1701.

Suzanne Webb was the standing MP for Stourbridge when she accepted the invitation to join us at Prizegiving, before 22 May when Parliament was dissolved.  We are grateful that she has kept her appointment and spared the time to be with us; a brief respite from canvassing for the upcoming General Election we hope.  Suzanne has been a good friend to Old Swinford Hospital, visiting the School many times and from discussions we have held with her we know that her passion for education and skills knows no bounds.

What with parliamentary and parent governor elections on the horizon, there is yet one other important election taking place here at Old Swinford within the next seven days.  Having had the privilege and honour to be Chair of Governors for 27 years, I have decided that the time is right to ‘hand the seal of office’ onto the next generation to continue the work which the Headmaster and I commenced some years ago.

Much has been accomplished during this time:

  • The School has been expanded giving opportunity to all
  • Girls have been admitted throughout
  • Day pupils have been re-introduced
  • We have maintained our ‘outstanding’ Ofsted boarding status, and
  • Improved our teaching facilities by acquiring the former Stourbridge College site, now known as Swinford Court
  • The continual improvement of our academic achievements
  • Maintained our sporting prowess and triumphs for both boys and girls

So, as I move to the ‘back-benches’ as a governor, I am confident that from the quality of our current governing body the next elected chairman will have the same passion and dedication which is required to continue this work maintaining Old Swinford Hospital’s reputation as one of the leading schools in the Dudley borough and throughout the West Midlands, and indeed further afield as we experience more boarders joining us from elsewhere in the UK and overseas.

To quote the greatest of all Englishmen, Winston Churchill ‘this is not the end, not even the beginning of the end, but perhaps the end of the beginning”, for there is still much to do here at OSH, which I will be continuing in my other role as Chairman of the Feoffees supporting the School and its new Chair of Governors.

Now, in 357 years of the School’s history there have been only 16 headmasters – an average of 22 years’ service each – I have been privileged to work with four of them over the last 27 years.  But the tireless and boundless energy of our current headmaster coupled with his vision in maintaining and extending the ethos, culture, tradition and performance of this school for every single pupil has been the flagship of the partnership we forged together to make Old Swinford the great school it is.