We are deeply saddened to share the news that our much-loved colleague Mr. Peter Jenkins has died.
Peter Jenkins joined OSH in 1988. His continuous period of service, beyond even his retirement from teaching in 2019 marks him as our longest serving member of staff. Peter taught History and RE, PE and Games. For many years he led the RAF contingent of OSH CCF, has been a housemaster and boarding tutor, and most importantly a friendly face around school.
Peter has taught and coached our pupils and their parents, uncles and aunts. They will no doubt tell you of his kindness, of his generosity of spirit and his perennial optimism about children and young people. His rugby coaching commentary is the stuff of legend, as is his cycling to and from lessons. We do and we will miss him terribly.
Our sympathies are with his family and when the time is right and with their blessing, we will join together to remember Peter and a life well-lived.
For now, we are rallying around and we are here to support our pupils, and one another. We continue to remember Peter and his family in our thoughts and in our heartfelt prayers.